Tag Archive: performing arts

Tryban, Georgeanna Marie

Posted in: , Story by: March 29, 2014

Georgeanna Tryban tells about being a young American exchange student in Osaka, Japan with Youth For Awareness in the 1960’s.  A fearless, eager student, she attended traditional Japanese cultural training along with her Japanese host family sisters.

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Asante, Deborah Lynn

Posted in: , , , , , Story by: December 3, 2013

Deborah Asante tells about the natural emergence of storytelling in her life. How does growing up in Germany, watching Bonanza, listening to radio dramas and being a big sister work into that? Deborah tells the story.

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Harris, Sandra Gutridge

Professional storyteller Sandra Harris tells Bob Sander about an ill-fated concert on April 11, 1956 in which white men attacked the performer, Nat King Cole, in Birmingham, Alabama. This shocking event furthered Sandra and Ed Harris’s involvement as early civil rights activists and changed their lives.

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Wellington, Ophelia

Ophelia Wellington talks about creating Freetown Village as a new, innovative way for people to learn about self-reliant African American communities in Indiana through interactive theatre.

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