In an interview with her Grandson Wes, Rosemary Fry tells of growing up in Elwood, Indiana during the Great Depression. She recalls how her father brought extra food to the table and how she entertained her three younger brothers with reading aloud and movie matinees.
People ask, how do you stay married for 50 years? Patricia shares time tested advice, humor, and optimism learned over the years with her husband Tom.
Georgeanna Tryban tells about being a young American exchange student in Osaka, Japan with Youth For Awareness in the 1960’s. A fearless, eager student, she attended traditional Japanese cultural training along with her Japanese host family sisters.
Years after leaving home Tammy Lieber visited the rural farm house of her childhood periodically to reflect and rebuild her life. In this excerpt of her life story she describes listening to the wonderful range of sounds of the country heard from the porch and her fresh appreciation for rural life.
James Lindgren tells about how branches of the family in Sweden and the U.S.A. were separated by a falling out between a grandfather and his brother. Years later, after researching family history, the grandchildren reunited in peaceful correspondence and travel.
Paul Smith grew up in a Navy family. In the 1960’s when he was a teenager they moved from Athens, Georgia to Monterey, California. Paul talks about the challenge of fitting in and learning to be true to himself.
Deborah Asante tells about the natural emergence of storytelling in her life. How does growing up in Germany, watching Bonanza, listening to radio dramas and being a big sister work into that? Deborah tells the story.
Bonnie relives the story of taking her three young boys on a joyful visit to her favorite place along the Oregon coast, Oceanside Beach.
Retired Nurse Lea Jean Kellison, in part of a longer family wedding story, talks about her son Lee who proved himself to be self-reliant and creative as a middle child.