The question, “What are you going to do with your life?” came up many times in the life journey of Travis DiNicola. When you are multi-talented, how do you know when you shouldn’t be, say, a dancer? Travis tells of one of the many mentors who helped to guild him along the way at Pennsylvania State University.
Reflecting on her path to professional storytelling, Sally Perkins tells of preparing to tell a flannel graph story at church, before she knew how to read, at the age of five! She has been telling stories in public ever since.
Richard Libert tells of working as attorney in New York City and finding an outlet for his love of performing music. He met Pete Seeger, began singing in a group at coffee houses, then joined forces with his friend Andy with whom he recorded and performed for several years in the group Rick And Andy.
A shared dream, a dedicated group of friends, foundations ready to honor authors and film makers of quality, life affirming stories. All of these factors lead to the formation of the New Harmony (Writers) Project and the Heartland Film Festival. It all began with Jeffrey Sparks in 1986…
David Lawrence tells of an early defining experience with Art in the form of music that helped to set his career path toward Arts Administration.
After graduating from Ball State University in 2013 Hannah Lindgren cofounded Deliberate Media, LLC. Hannah tells about her company’s early video productions, the importance of Story, and how in the film industry connections are everything.
Deborah Asante tells about the natural emergence of storytelling in her life. How does growing up in Germany, watching Bonanza, listening to radio dramas and being a big sister work into that? Deborah tells the story.
May 4, 1970, Kent State University in Ohio: Having passed up a chance to attend The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City, Don Steffy switched to Bowling Green State University for a draft exempt status. In this excerpt of Don’s life story he tells about how the violence of an unpopular war came home and changed the way he viewed the world.
Donna Kenninger, a retired nurse, tells about being a volunteer storyteller at Riley Hospital for Children, the power of story and how electronics are a curious new distraction for pediatric patients.
In his youth during the 1960’s George Bartley, a big fan of musicals, got to see Bette Midler in a broadway musical. Years later he got a chance to meet her and experience her good sense of humor.